Booking Policy


Wellness Through Movement Booking Policy

To help you achieve your goals it is important that you attend your appointments in a timely matter. Our clinicians take time to prepare for each of your sessions to ensure you a provided the highest care. Late arrival or non-attendance does not allow us to provide the service you deserve or need to reach your goals.

Late Arrival

Due to booking constraints if you arrive late to your appointment it will be a shorter session. All sessions are required to start on time and finish on time.


Wellness Through Movement advises there will be a billing of 75% of the consultation fee and this will be payable at the discretion of the clinic if a minimum of 24 hours notice is not provided for the cancellation of an appointment.  We appreciate your co-operation in this matter and trust you understand that due to the consideration of our staff and client waiting lists it is important for the requirement of this fee. For cancellations after-hours, please leave a message via phone or email to provide proof of cancellation.

Payment and Packages

  • Wellness Through Movement requires that all accounts be settled in full at the time of appointment or prepaid with our provided packages, unless you have an existing agreement with a funding organisation (e.g. DVA, NDIS, WorkCover etc)

  • It is the responsibility of the client to ensure they have approval of funding from any organisation that may be providing funding for their services. If this funding has not been approved prior the client will be liable for full payment.

  • If there are outstanding accounts we reserve the right to cancel all future appointments