Exercise and Women's Health: Girls, They Wanna Exercise!

Ladies! Do you find yourself putting your health last? Are you running around after your family and ensuring they are all taken care of, while forgetting about yourself? Well it's time you put yourself first! Exercise is important for women, not only to help regulate our emotions and reduce your risk of chronic disease, but to assist with menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and menopause!

Here are your reasons why YOU should be exercising:

Mental Health:

Do you ever find yourself blasting Taylor Swift and ugly crying at the end of a long week? Well don't stress, you're not alone! 1 in 5 women in Australian will experience depression and 1 in 3 will experience anxiety in their lifetime. However, there is a link between regular exercise and improvement in mental health! Exercise helps both manage and prevent depression and anxiety and improve overall mood and mental health!


As we age, exercise becomes more important than ever! Once women reach menopause, our bone mineral density starts to decrease, leading to weaker bones and an increased risk of fractures and breaks. Weight bearing and bone loading exercises can help improve your bone health and reduce the risk of fractures. It is also important to start your balance practice, to reduce your risk of falls.

Reproductive Health:

For those who are trying to fall pregnant, or whether you are currently expecting a bundle of joy, exercise is beneficial for every stage of pregnancy. An active and healthy lifestyle will help to manage your weight, regulate your ovulation and prepare you for labour, just to name a few benefits! Research has also shown that babies of active mothers develop better motor skills!

Prevention of Chronic Diseases:

Exercise can help to reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions. These include conditions such as; diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, pulmonary health, breast and cervical cancer, just to name a few! Exercise reduces your risk of the above conditions my improving your heart health, blood sugar level, joint health, lung health and cognition. All of these benefits can be experienced through a mixture of aerobic and resistance training.

If you would like to become the best version of yourself, call us on 3184 0444 to book in an initial consultation with our Women's Health Exercise Physiologist, Hannah!

Hannah Kitchen