Wellness Through Movement - Exercise Physiology

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What is Evidence Based Practice?

What is Evidenced Based Practice?

Evidence-based practice (or EBP) is the idea that clinical practices aim to be based on scientific evidence. It is the integration of three categories Clinical expertise, Evidence and Client perspectives.

  • Clinical expertise is the knowledge, judgement and critical reasoning acquired through training and professional experiences.

  • Evidence is the best available information gathered from the scientific literature and data while also taking into account the observations collected on the individual client.

  • Client/ Patient perspective is the unique set of personal and cultural circumstances, values, priorities and expectations identified by yourself as the client.

When all three components of EPB are considered, it allows the clinician to make an informed decision and provide high quality services, reflecting the interests, values, needs and choices of their clients.

Where Does Evidenced Based Research Fit For Exercise Physiology?

As allied health professionals it is our goal to ensure that all people we work with are provided with the best care possible. This means that we have to stay up to date with the current evidence for best practise and care for each condition. By staying up to date with current evidence we as clinicians are able to make clinical decisions that are supported by accurate, timely and up to date information. For Exercise Physiologists, we are required to reach a certain number of professional development points per year to maintain our accreditation. This ensures, that all Exercise Physiologists have up to date knowledge and are able to keep on top of any changing recommendations for exercise prescription.

What Does It Look Like For Me As A Client?

As a client coming into an allied health environment, our Exercise Physiologists will work with you in order to best understand the right exercise pathway for you. Our Exercise Physiologists are always keeping up to date with current evidence and research, and through their clinical expertise will be able to provide you with appropriate exercise prescription to assist you in achieving your goals. In correlation with this, exercise programs are individualised to you (because you as the client are the number one focus!), based on your personal goals, cultural preferences and experiences, to ensure that you are comfortable in your exercise routine whilst also being prescribed exercises based on best-practice research and clinical experience.

So if you’re interested in receiving the best evidenced based care, give us all us on 3184 0444, or book in online for your initial consultation with one of our knowledgeable Exercise Physiologists!